Archive | October 2011

“incunabula period”

Printing started with Gutenberg in Germany. A new life began with this big invention and lots of books were printed. This term was called ‘İncunabula Period’  by English book collectors in the 17th century to define the 1st printed books of the 15th century. In this way, typographers came into prominence and many typographers emerged in this period. Some good typographers also came up with this Gutenberg’s invention. I wondered about them and I found some of these early and good typographers. There are good information about them too:


Can we use ‘diminuendo’ in typography?

Actually, diminuendo is term about music. It is a rhythym mark directing which effects playing the music passages softly or gradually. However, it is also used in typography. I found this definiton for diminuendo on the net ” diminuendo is a type arrangement in which a large letter or word leads the eye, gradually, to smaller and smaller words until a standard text size is established”. People are still using it today with initial cap or large single letter. Especially, it is used on articles and some part of books. Diminuendo style was used with subtitles, titles or captions on the middle ages. When we came to the posmodern era which has lots of technological advantages, diminuendo is being to started to use differently on printed pages or some websites. Some examples are below:

Grid system

A grid system is an essential part of graphic design such as ordering graphical elements of text and images. As the time went by, the grid sytem was started to use in typography and commercial design too. It orginazes page layout of magazines, books etc. The aim of using this grid system is to create a solid visuality and structural balance for designs. There is also a book which was called Grid Systems in Graphic Design and presented firstly by Josef Müller-Brockmann about the core of this grid system. The book is below and I put some examples for grid system:


In short, the meaning of Ikebana is Japanese flower arrangement. The word occur from ikeru(to arrange, life) and hana(flower). Japanese created an interesting art type by using flowers. A buddhist man who called Senmu found it. While they are doing this, they cut flowers, but they do not kill flowers.  This art type was also developed later such as Rikka, Nageire and Jiyuka. There are some examples of Ikebana below:











Are there any differences between ideograms and pictograms?

If we want to understand the differences between ideograms and pictograms, we have to define both terms clearly. Pictograms are pictures or images which are created from an object in a consistent way. On the other hand, ideograms are symbols which are crated from geometric shapes and they also represent ideas. However, people can use both of them to communicate each other. Especially, in the history, Egyptians, Sumerians, Aztecs, American Indians and even cavemen used pictograms and ideograms to communicate and preserve their knowledge. Moreover, Pictograms are more “picture like” forms, but ideograms are more abstract derived forms. For instance, you can tell the ‘sun’ with a pictogram, but you can tell the ‘heat’ only with a ideogram. Because of that,  understanding ideograms sometimes might be more diffucult than understanding pictograms.

There are some common points for both of them. İdeograms and pictograms do not represent words or sounds in a particular language. When people starts to use pictograms like a word in a language, they are defined like word-writing, or ‘logograms’. There should be some essential requirements that you can use these two terms too such as using similar forms and meanings for words and conventional relationship between symbols and interpretations.

Finally, decide them which one is ideogram and which one is pictogram 😉

























Logographic Writing System

Firstly, I want to start with morpheme. What is morpheme? Morpheme is thesmallest unit in languages which has some meanings. In logographic writing system, there are lots of signs and they are representing morphemes. Thus, every logograms or symbols in logographic system usually represent an idea or sometimes might represent words or part of words. The most common example for logographic system language is Chinese. There are also some other languages which are or were used this system such as Khitan, Mixtec, Jurchen and Tangut.

For example at this picture, there are some symbols that each of them represent one word:












If you want to read more information about this writing system here is the link which includes its advantages and disadvantages:

Mother Nature Fashion

While I was searching Cro-Magnons on the net, I found some photos which were taken by Hans Silvester. These photos are very impressive and I think the inspration point of these photos is like the Cro-Magnons- early human. Some of them are below:

Here is the website adress which you can look the other photos:

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