Archive | December 2011

Clayton James Cubitt

He is an art photographer. He was also quoted in a newspaper article about mohawks. Mohawks is a hair style which referred to in English as a mohican. It is created by shaving both sides of the head and leaving a strip of noticeably longer hair in the center. Look the picture below:

I found some works from his site and he combined fashion photography with print resolution. You can see these type of photos and also some of the other photos of him. He is one of the important photographer due to no longer content to draw a distinction between the worlds of fashion, art, and porn apparently.

Fortune Magazine

Henry Luce founded the magazine ‘Fortune’ in February 1930. He also had a partner who called Briton Hadden. He was not excited about the project, he wanted to use ‘Power’ for the name of the magazine. However, he died on February 27, 1929 because of septicemia. After a while, Luce printed the first and single copies of that magazine and it costed $1, but New York Times was only 5¢. Fortune developed its quality too. An urban legend said to the art director of Fortune T. M. Clelland that ‘the cover of the first issue with the $1 price because nobody had yet decided how much to charge; the magazine was printed before anyone realized it, and when people saw it for sale, they thought that the magazine must really have worthwhile content’ about the  cost of magazine. During the Great Depression, Fortune developed a reputation for its social conscience. For many years Fortune was published as a monthly, but as of January, 1978, it is published twice a month. I’m putting some covers of Fortune from the beginning and until 1945.

Modernism-European Art Deco

Lots of new movements occured during this period, but ‘Art Deco’ is the one which survives. Growing out of Art Nouveau, this highly absorbent style eventually became its antithesis. The Art Deco artists also inspirated from some different movement such as Cubism, Ballet Russe, the Bauhaus and Hollywood. Some of the favorite pattern were rainbow, sunray and electric flash. Some example of the vases are at the below, when you look at these, you can get the idea easily:

De Stijl type furniture

De stijl artists simplified visual compositions to the vertical and horizontal directions. They also used only primary colors along with black and white such as red, yellow and blue. I found a furniture model like a painting from de stijl period. The colours and relations between vertical and horizontal are quite similar with de stijl. Here are the photos: